Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 10 - Apuntar con el dedo

Pointing is an action applying to one thing.

Understand "senala [a thing]" or "senalar [a thing]" or "apunta [a thing]" or "apuntar [a thing]" or "apunta con el dedo [a thing]" or "apuntar con el dedo [a thing]" as pointing.

Carry out pointing:
    if icalante is in the location and icalante is siguiendote:
        say "Señalas [the noun] y el icalante l[o noun] mira con interés.";
        if noun is liana and liana is unida:
            now liana is cortada;
            now liana is not fixed in place;
            say "Finalmente el icalante arranca la liana de un tirón y la coge.";
            move liana to icalante;
        otherwise if the noun is carried by icalante or the noun is in a container which is carried by icalante:
            try icalante dropping the noun;
        otherwise if (the tamano of noun is grande or the tamano of noun is enorme) and the noun is not fixed in place:
            try icalante taking the noun;
        say "Señalas [the noun] aunque eso no produce ninguna reacción.".